
A Problem | Solutions Brief from CAPSYS Technologies and Kodak Alaris

Paul Szemplinski • 20 May 2021

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I. Situation: The Nightmare That Is Shared Email

Whether your organization is—

  • Public, private, a government agency, or a not-for-profit entity
  • In the healthcare, insurance or higher education marketplace
  • A manufacturer, distributor, operate in the logistics field, or a very large Global 2000 company
  • Or a small to mid-sized organization

You are likely feeling the pain and bad daytime dreams that accompany Shared Email Box use within your organization.

There is an influx of emails that arrive at your organization addressed to a mix of real-recipient and alias-recipient inboxes. Addresses such as AccountsPayable@xyz.com, salesorders@xyz.com, claimsadjudication@xyz.com, info@xyz.com or customerservice@xyz.gov or .org.

There is no real identifiable “person” assigned to the other side of these mailboxes—at least from the sender’s perspective. Internally, on the receiving side, you do have at least one person, sometimes an entire “SWAT” team accessing these real and aliased email addresses—known as the “Shared Email Boxes.” Unfortunately, this often creates a free-for-all approach in terms of who works inbound emails and how they are handled. It’s a process that could use improvement, but it’s difficult to know where to begin.

Team members are responsible for identifying which items belong to whom, working the item to its completion, and then moving that “finished” item out of the inbox into a Shared Email Box subfolder, to differentiate email items that are unread, inflight, or email items that have actually been completed. We know the process of accessing a Shared Email Box is all manual—an ad-hoc, people-driven approach (prone to error) to working the items in the Shared Email Box, and there is no genuine accountability.

You may even have gotten a bit clever and...

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